I have been negligent and haven't visited here in a while! shame on me.

It's good to be here again and I pray all are well and looking up!
Welcome Back 🌹🌹🌹I as well I'm dealing with this left arm fractures it's really sore however GOD IS GOOD ❤️💯
My apologies to everyone, as I've been MIA for several months. I tend to get very focused when I am writing and everything else just gets pushed to the side. Anyone can look at my house and see how focused I can get.
I'm back now and can't wait to dive into all the great discussions here!
As many of you also do, I like to watch videos on Youtube, and other social media. Especially those videos which have a subject title of anything to do with the end times. But, I have to...
They are just guessing. The events are in the Lord’s Hands and will take place at the appointed times. We are to keep our eyes on Jesus, not men.
The Rapture - A Poem
Just thought I would share this...   The Rapture   Asleep in my bed, all safe and soundI wake up with a start.The skies are lit up like mid-dayAs the Heavens soon split apart.   Wake up! I...
This Christmas Day
Yesterday morning, we woke up to no power. It's funny how you think of things you "can't live without" when you suddenly lose power. Of course, we're out in the country, so no power = no water =...
Amen, Susan. Gratitude for things taken for granted and prayer for everyone in need today, including your water. Thank you for the reminder. 🙏🏻❤️
He is the reason for the season
A Child is Born The baby Jesus lay in the manger. Mary was resting nearby. Joseph stood watching for any sign of danger The flock stood silently by.   The star overhead brightly shone to...
Lead-in to the beginning of the Tribulation
Katie - this is interesting, given our recent conversation.   I am a bit of a history buff, but nowhere near to the level of this gentleman. Very interesting commentary about how the Tribulation...
Idol Worship
This is a podcast from September '21 about Idol Worship. Many of us, myself included, have re-ordered our priorities in life and placed other things higher than God. But, especially in the times...
Abraham Accords Global Summit - 12/8/22, Rome
Keep an eye on this, folks. The Abraham Accords could very well be the peace treaty the AntiChrist confirms with Israel and her...
Susan H Mouw joined Harpazo Club - Online Pre-Tribulation Rapture Community