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God is always working in our lives and in the world, even if and when we don't understand His way. Whether you have something you overcame recently, or the testimony of how you came to know Christ, this is a place where you may share it.
Club31 Women devotional

How can we gain and maintain a Christ-centered perspective while living in a world opposite of His truth? Here are three present-day mindsets that rob us of that.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal
of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12:2 (ESV)

Etched in my mind is RC Sproul’s voice saying, “Chili con carne,” quite forcefully as he taught what the wo...  more
My testimony:

I grew up with an atheist father and my mom was very neutral not having many beliefs besides what her catholic grandparents taught her. My parents were very loving and very open to me & my brother going to church. Through the years we would have friends from school invite us to church and we would go and loved it but it was never consistent and I never understood the need to have a personal relationship with Jesus. It did however plant seeds in my life.

My entire life from infa...  more
By Jordan Taylor (shared on fb)

I used to practice witchcraft. I did spells, read oracle cards, did energy work, and used crystals as a means of healing, protecting, and manifesting. I was a reiki master and a yoga teacher. I believed in astrology, manifested under a new moon, and did shadow work under the full moon. I worshipped nature and worked with goddesses. I believed I was a starseed. I found my spirit guides and let them lead the course of my life. I would talk to “Spirit/Source/Univers...  more
Hello Beloved of God! (Katie)
I wanted to, or felt led to bring up a point that you made in your testimony about being worthy. You were saying something about the rapture not being guaranteed. I wanted to bring up a very important point that will give emphasis and clarification on leading a worthy life and walking in spiritual maturity that most don't seem to be preaching or teaching in very many places that I visit online.

This isn't a message of condemnation, but one of encouragement ultimate...  more
God has been good to me, my wife, and my daughter. My wife and i were maried for 25 years this December. We both grew up in a church where we come to know Jesus Christ and when i committed my life to Him in a camp i attended, my relationship with Jesus has never stopped growing. Yes there are ups and downs but at the end of the day, the love of Jesus keeps me in His arms teaching me His ways. My church life is so fulfilling. God is using me in the music ministry. This is my gift and calling to s...  more
Glory to God Anton! I love hearing your heart through this message. Thank you for sharing!🙂💯
My wife and I had been married for almost 6 years. We had planned to have children immediately after our wedding but nothing was forthcoming. Our pastor, parents, friends and colleagues began to be concerned.
Some teased us with funny comments and this affected my wife. Anytime we could have a little argument it could get a great toll on her.

We sought advice from a gynaecologist who after thorough tests confirmed that my wife had blocked tubes, fibroids and by any chance, could only have ectop...  more
Jesus Loves❤️You and Died✝️for Your Sins!

Are you living as Jesus taught? To Love Each Other!🥰

1 Peter 5:10-11 KJV
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. [11] To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
This came up in my memory today. It has been a long time since I've thought about this, so I'm not sure why it came to mind today. Perhaps reading John's miracle brought it to mind.
It is a long story, but I'll try to make it short. This happened about 21 years ago, before I retired. I had gone back to school at night at High Point University and was sitting in the first class that evening when I began to feel "unwell". Not nauseous, or anything I could really describe as I had never experience...  more
I was saved through a youth group. I am an Army Brat. I say am because once you are, you always are. From that time on I saw God as a Father. A father I could depend on no matter what and I had a prayer life that has lasted many years. My dad was in for 24 years. My mom met my dad in Germany and we immigrated with him to the states. We went back to Germany for 3 more tours. Finally coming back to the States in 1977. I've been all over the world and am still on Facebook because I have friends al...  more
Greetings family In Christ,

I want to share a testimony and confession. Lately having been slandered and attacked, persecuted (mildly in the big picture) and mocked by family and people I love I have experienced some meaningful pain and suffering. This is we are told to be expected as we have an adversary. I confess at times Ive wanted to lash out verbally and respond in ways that are of the flesh. Getting vengeance for harm caused and still being caused to my children. HOWEVER....Thank God for...  more
The long version -
I can’t wait to spend eternity with our Father and you guys! So much hope in Jesus! 🙏🏾❤️✝️