On the Cross, Jesus was your substitute. When Jesus hung dying on the Cross, God saw you hanging on the Cross. His death was your death. Your old life was nailed to the Cross together with Jesus. You have died with Christ & have been raised to new life with Him.
Our study of God's Word must never be separated from the purpose of God in our lives - to conform us to the likeness of Christ. It's only when the WORDS of the Bible are translated into the LIFESTYLE of the Bible that it can be said that we are a PEOPLE of the Bible.
Fear is a lack of faith. Fear comes into your heart, like a snake, seeking to destroy your relationship with God.

Faith & fear can't live in the same heart.

When fear comes in, faith is driven out. When faith comes in, fear is driven out.

You decide which remains.
To vehemently condemn holiness as "LEGALISM!" while vehemently defending worldly, carnal, selfish living is calling good evil and evil good, the very opposite of what the Scriptures teach God's people!
The “weapons of our warfare” are:

The Word of God (Ephesians 6:17).

Prayer and persistence in prayer (Luke 18:1-8; 1 Thess. 5:17).

The name of JESUS (Acts 14:13-14; 16:23-24; Acts 3:16, etc.).
Sin & satan go hand in hand. SIN is what gives place to the devil (Eph 4:27; 1 Tim 3:7; 2 Tim 2:26; James 1:13-15). Only Jesus can deliver us, by the blood of His cross & our obedience to denying ourselves & taking up our cross daily (Luke 9:23-24; James 4:7; Rev. 12:11-12)
Wishing all the brethren a blessed day of humble gratitude to our Father who daily loads us with benefits! As you count your blessings today and every day, let us not forget to thank the Lord for His never ending work, always for our good!
BaileyJoy joined Harpazo Club - Online Pre-Tribulation Rapture Community