mark yale commented on Melissa Bourn photo
on June 06 2024 at 12:05 PM public
as we know the Rapture can happen at any moment... these are just a couple graphics i had found.. so lets stay focused and pray for the lost as well.... time is short
Hello all,

Been a while since I posted.....

Question ..... since the last month or 2 do you all feel like we are so much closer to the rapture of the church???

I haven't kept up daily with news and current events. But I feel like more things are falling in to place...

Reading the book of Daniel and revelation is important for us.

I always had my eye on some sort of battle or war with Israel that would not stop till Daniel 9.27

Through the years I also watched movies like the left behin...  more
Hey Mark, I think we are so close now. I had a dream last night kind of relating to this, showing me how the beast system is merging in the earth, like all of its facets are connecting now, because it is ready to wage war against God. Religions are merging, the kings are uniting in all of the globalist organisations working on dissolving the current individualised power structure of countries, technology is merging with people, genders are merging, and ai is ready to connect it all worldwide. Th...  more
pic of me back in 1984 yes i am wearing a shirt that says i am with stupid.... back when t shirts were fun to wear and being silly with friends
if you are new to this site, feel free to say hello
are you paying to the sabbath days for Israel with the lunar calendar and when the lunar cycle happens monthly?

in the past recent months some believe that the rapture may happen this spring maybe in April...
so lets say that may happen, on April 8th i believe that eclipse over America may happen.... and that occurs on the first day of the new Hebrew calendar

now here is the kicker to ponder and think of if i have all this right from memory with current events
Passover is at the very end o...  more
The Clock is ticking and all eyes are on Israel..
i dont believe there will be a cease fire to end the war permanently till Dan 9:27 These days is where reading the OT helps understand the NT with the end times

Matt 24 and 25
Yes Mark, it's a hot zone, trouble is closing in, and so is the blessed hope 🎺
No matter what denomination of faith you maybe LDS Catholic baptist etc methodist and so on.... i keep reminding myself thee facts

1. we don't know who are truly saved and have left any denomination
2. God may have a plan for those saved but still goto a specific denomination for a little longer
3. sharing salvation scriptures are more important than anything else whether it be non believers or those in a denomination
4. salvation scriptures leads to being rapture ready
5. having frie...  more
Ok Lets see if i can post Here and all,

since i came back onto this site i sort have been limited to what i can do, i don't know why

if this works this is the first post for me on my wall in some time....
since my last post though i have been back on a few days...

so thanks to who ever is starting to help get me active in using areas of the site again

mark yale joined Harpazo Club - Online Pre-Tribulation Rapture Community
Hey Mark, just saw your reply on Twitter, we're still growing and don't need any additional admin at the moment, but thank you for offering! Please feel free to post any information you're coming across about end times here 😊🎺