Until Jesus returns, we need to pray over this!

U.S. will begin ‘extraordinary measures’ to stay under debt limit
Treasury warns of ‘irreparable harm’ to global economy as debt limit standoff begins
God has been known to intervene dramatically. By His hand the Red Sea opened, the manna fell from Heaven, a virgin gave birth, and a tomb gave life.

Yet for every divine shout there are a million whispers. The book of Esther relates the story of our whispering God, who in unseen and inscrutable ways superintends all the actions and circumstances for the good of His people.

-Max Lucado
This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24
Happy New Year 2023!!! 🎉✝️🕊️😇

Watching Jesus of Nazareth on Roku. He took over for the Rabbi, read scripture, & said, “On this day the scriptures have been fulfilled!” And then, “Your captivity is over.” Praise God! ✝️🕊️
I believe that the Lord is saying to enjoy our lives, family, friends, pets. He wants us to have joy…the JOY of the LORD is our strength.

The enemy tries to steal our joy through frustration, hurtfulness, anger, or wondering how bad it’s going to get before Jesus returns for us.

The Lord “has our backs” in all circumstances. If we truly are following Him, no evil will come nigh to our dwelling. And the Lord will return at the exact, perfect moment on God’s clock.

Enjoy life, as you are about ...  more
I have a gift for all of you!

This was written by a very dear friend of mine, before his homegoing. He lived with a severe disability, but it never caused him to waver in his faith in Jesus…


Snowflakes, just as with people, it is known that no two are quite alike.
Each shall be of its own design, but shall together serve a great purpose.
All the trials that come before us are but snowflakes.
All the love that we share shall accumulate with them.
Together they are the snows that fo...  more
Update on Eric...

Eric had his consultation with the Cardio Doctor. The Echocardiogram is now scheduled for early January. He released Eric to do most of his daily routines, including driving, but avoid heavy lifting 'til the Echocardiogram is complete. PTL!

Keep praying...to God be all the glory!

God bless,