Search Results "#Bible"

I felt The Lord lead me to make a three day Daily Video series. I pray it blesses y'all. Yesterday we started with Ephesians 1:7. Today we continued in 1 Corinthians 2:8. In both we will cover how The Cross was not a failure but a victory. And to finish the three part series I don't want to give anything away, but...I'll just say part 3 on Resurrection Sunday will be about the power of The Blood. I pray parts one & two will be a blessing. And I pray part 3 will be a blessing as well. God bless y...  more
Last posted by Susan H Mouw on June 16 2023 at 01:46 PM
Susan Mouw has generously provided her 10 week Women's Bible Study with audio and handouts at the following link. She looks at the time times we are in and asks, "Are we there yet?" Are we in the...