But ofc, no one knows the day nor hour, God is sovereign. But math is math and logic is logic, ptl
If you like bible chronologies and pop up books you might like this. Have fun and use zoom.
Book of Genesis Chronology - Creation of Adam (6th day) to the death of Joseph (110 years old).
This is how to properly count the last 7 years of the tribulation period as it pertains to the 6000 years. If the 2nd coming is the 6000th year, the year prior is the 49th year (5999). So then 5993-5999 = 7 years. And lastly, 5992 AM would be where we are today.
A new updated chart showing the literal 7000-year bible chronology and timeline strictly synchronized by the Gregorian creation year of -3970 BC.

As God created all things in 6 days and rested on the 7th, so will mankind work 6000 years and rest the last 1000 years (2 Peter 3:8). But 7 years prior to the 6000th year (5993) will be the start of the tribulation period, in which the church will not be present to experience (thank God!).
Taoism is all into this. Some say HELLOWEEN is good Christian fun you just have to test these spirits and see they're NOT of God that's why it's imperative to really know your Bible 👍many are deceived calling evil good!
My new video is out, hope it blesses and encourages the saints.

This type of thing may be new to some, but take it a step at a time and it's not too hard to grasp. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a message. God bless
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My name is Pastor Eric Smith and I am the pastor and founder of the church God’s Grace Church here in Douglasville Ga. USA. Besides being a Pastor, God has given me a ministry dealing with the times that we are in concerning the end times, in which I am writing to you today. God has given me to start an End Times Convention here in Atlanta Ga. and the surrounding region, and I am asking you for you to be a part of this event. God has re...  more
All is statistics until the Lord says the Word!
Yes, look up because we are the last generation and, YES this world is getting worse and satan has an agenda and wants to fast track to the end. Only GOD knows the hour and time, and ONLYwhen the last person is saved are we going UP. That means keep preaching and witnessing praying and believing that all will be saved, don’t give up on them, because GOD did not give up on us. Keep praying church and keep looking up. AMEN