What do you guys think of Christian Nationalism? One of its attributes is believing that we, Americans, have been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights and that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Do you all believe this?

There is tremendous opposition to CN, primarily by liberal, Christian denominations, like PCUSA. What do you all think?
God bless!
I know that my inalienable rights to live with my Free Will intact does not come from any politician or government. Nor will I ever conform or surrender those rights to anyone who thinks they can take that God-Given right away from me. I take the knee for my Savior and King ONLY. I live by His Laws and His alone. I will die standing on my two feet with my head held high. I am pretty sure this is the hill I will die on since every day little by little the NWO Beast System👿 wishes to enslave us al...  more
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